Family and Community Engagement
I promote the learning and growth of all students through effective partnerships with families, caregivers, community members, and organizations. I welcome every family to become active participants in the classroom and school community.
I regularly email parents regarding academic standing of their children in class and suggest strategies to help them improve.
I coordinate the preparation and hanging of hundreds of pieces of artwork for two exhibitions at the high school, and preparation of other events outside the high school. These include:
- Lexington Arts & Crafts Society Regional High School Art Show (Parsons Gallery)
- Scholastic Art Awards
- Annual BHS Art Exhibition
- Youth Art Month Exhibition in Boston
- 6th Congressional District Art Show
- Annual BHS Portfolio Exhibition
I encourage students to invite parents and community members to annual March Art Exhibition. I'm able to have discussions throughout the evening with parents in attendance at the show.
Invitations are also sent out on our Facebook page and via student emails and press releases.
Students in Portfolio (Studio Art Honors III) and AP Studio Art are assigned to create inviations for families and friends to the Portfolio Exhibition
I maintain the Burlington High School Art Department Facebook Page.
Our Art Department website, has links to all courses, our program of studies, course expectations, contact information, and departmental philosophy.
My own Teacher Pages on that website, for each course I teach, are updated regularly. Students, parents, and guidance counselors are referred to this site whenever students are ill for extended periods of time. Most lessons posted include learning objectives, criteria, exemplars, art historical or professional references for inspiration, and steps. Some give context for the lesson.
Numerous press releases throughout the year about departmentally-related events:
- Lexington Arts & Crafts Society Regional High School Art Show (Parsons Gallery)
- Scholastic Art Awards
- Annual Artist Alumni Day
- Art Raffle
- Annual BHS Art Exhibition
- Youth Art Month Exhibition in Boston
- 6th Congressional District Art Show
- Annual BHS Portfolio Exhibition
- Cambridge Street Gallery shows
I correspond with corporate sponsors/donors to the Art Department Scholarship Fund. These include Salem Five Bank, David’s Teas, Macy’s, and True North.
I take advantage of the email feature of Aspen, our online gradebook, to correspond with all parents of my classes in regards to upcoming shows, events, opportunities, and other news.
With input from the elementary art teachers during extended afternoon meetings, I created a brochure for the elementary art teachers to be handed out by those teachers at open houses, parent-teacher nights, conferences, and “art nights”. It encourages parents to volunteer where appropriate and to help their children collect recycled materials for use in the art rooms. It communicates Studio Habits of Mind and other learning that will take place in their children’s art classes.
I have regular email and phone conversations with community members regarding their requests for graphic art services.
I encourage students to participate in community-related events and opportunities such as Art All State, Youth Art Month exhibition, Scholastic Arts competition, and weekend and summer art workshops
Our Art@BHS “business cards” for promoting the art department website are handed out to parents and community members at Back-to-School Night and 8th Grade Parents’ Night.
I mat, frame, and hang artwork for semi-permanent displays in our high school's main lobby.
I write and share our Year-In-Review Report of Burlington Art Program (an extended version of our Annual Report to the Town) on our program website, on our facebook page, and with district administrators.
I love talking to parents at the Lexington Regional High School Artists’ Show and at our annual BHS Art Exhibition and Portfolio Exhibition.